Customizing an embedded Matplotlib Graph in Tkinter
We've got the data, and the graph, but now we might want to change the graph a bit. Here, we'll be changing some of the basic visual aspects of our graph, feel free to add your own touch.
Here's our new animate function:
The major changes here are that we are specifically specifying a color and a label for our plots. After that, we're creating a legend at the top left. Finally, we're making a custom title that includes the last price.
The next tutorial:
Programming GUIs and windows with Tkinter and Python Introduction
Object Oriented Programming Crash Course with Tkinter
Passing functions with Parameters in Tkinter using Lambda
How to change and show a new window in Tkinter
Styling your GUI a bit using TTK
How to embed a Matplotlib graph to your Tkinter GUI
How to make the Matplotlib graph live in your application
Organizing our GUI
Plotting Live Updating Data in Matplotlib and our Tkinter GUI
Customizing an embedded Matplotlib Graph in Tkinter
Creating our Main Menu in Tkinter
Building a pop-up message window
Exchange Choice Option
Time-frame and sample size option
Adding indicator Menus (3 videos)
Trading option, start/stop, and help menu options
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Allowing the exchange choice option to affect actual shown exchange
Adding exchange choice cont'd
Adding exchange choices part 3
Indicator Support
Pulling data from the Sea of BTC API
Setting up sub plots within our Tkinter GUI
Graphing an OHLC candlestick graph embedded in our Tkinter GUI
Acquiring RSI data from Sea of BTC API
Acquiring MACD data from Sea of BTC API
Converting Tkinter application to .exe and installer with cx_Freeze