Regression - Forecasting and Predicting

by: Adrian55, 7 years ago


I am currently working through the Machine Learning tutorials and I'm having trouble with Lesson 05 "Regression - Forecasting and Predicting". My code runs correctly up until:

last_date = df.iloc[-1].name
last_unix = last_date.timestamp()
one_day = 86400
next_unix = last_unix + one_day

for i in forecast_set:
    next_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(next_unix)
    next_unix += 86400
    df.loc[next_date] = [np.nan for _ in range(len(df.columns)-1)]+[i]

If I run this, I get the following error - "AttributeError: 'Timestamp' object has no attribute 'timestamp'"

I've even copied the exact script from the tutorial and had no luck executing it properly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

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