Python Plot windows cannot be closed when working with GUI
have a graphical interface which contains a button called "generate graph" which when clicked generate graphs (plots) with matplotlib. I can generate the plots but I cannot control these windows when the graphical interface is opened : I cannot close, save, zoom, ....
However, when I close the graphical interface, I can have the control over these plots : close, save, zoom, ...
I found in the internet that the problem is caused by the fact that matplotlib windows uses QT and my GUI interface uses also QT.
I have tested solutions proposed but no one works for me. Could you help me ?
For information, here is my code used to generate graphs :
x = np.arange(0, self.stockParam.nTotZones, 1); #y = matrix4["Price"].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) y = pd.to_numeric(matrix4["Price"]) print("Moyenne = ") print(y.mean(0)) #z = (matrix4["Adjust"].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)*y)/100 + y z = pd.to_numeric(matrix4["Adjust"]*y)/100 + y
if(firstPlot): price = plt.plot(x, y, label = ("Price")) shadowPrice = plt.plot(x, z, label = ("Price + adjust for iteration "+self.DropDownListDisplayIter2_1.currentText()))
plt.legend() #method 3 plt.draw()
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