sea of btc app

by: Aman Sharma, 8 years ago

/code below
def rsiIndicator(priceData,location="top"):
        if location == "top":
            values = {'key':1, "prices": priceData, "periods":topIndicator[1]}
        elif location == "bottom":
            values = {'key':1, "prices": priceData, "periods":bottomIndicator[1]}

        url = ""

        data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values)
        data = data.encode("utf-8")

        req = urllib.request.Request(url,data)
        resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)

        respData =

        newData = str(respData).replace("b","").replace(']','').replace("'",'')
        priceList = newData.split(', ')
        rsiData = [float(i) for i in priceList]


        if location == "top":
            a0.plot_date(OHLC['MPLDates'], rsiData, lightColor, label="RSI")
            datLabel = "RSI("+str(topIndicator[1])+")"

        if location == "bottom":
            a3.plot_date(OHLC['MPLDates'], rsiData, lightColor, label="RSI")
            datLabel = "RSI("+str(topIndicator[1])+")"
it  failed  and could not convert string to float.
help me to fix this .
I also try to use  bitfinex api but it gives a blank graph as i think that bitfinex api is upgraded  and need key for accessing.Please give me some suggestion to improve bitfinex api code.                

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