Graphing large spreadsheets of data with matplotlib and/or openpyxl

by: Sheaves333, 8 years ago

Last edited: 8 years ago

Hi there, new to Python and I've been trying to figure this one out for the last few days or so, with some success. I receive large spreadsheets of data in excel and or csv format. These spreadsheets usually have 102 rows of data in multiple columns; I want to graph these such that there are several series on the one graph.

I've had a little success by saving the data in a csv, opening it in Python and graphing it using matplotlib. However, this only works when all of the data is in adjacent columns with no empty ones in between. Obviously I want to be able to work with more realistic formats of saved data, so I've been trying to use openpyxl and use cell references (i.e A2:A102) to plot data, but haven't gotten anywhere with it.

Can anyone offer any help or pointers as to how I can do this? Sorry for the long post, any help is greatly appreciated. If any additional information is needed, feel free to ask

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Pandas is your best friend for spreadsheet and spreadsheet-like data:

-Harrison 8 years ago

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Got it to work! Thanks a ton!

-Sheaves333 8 years ago

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