I was wondering if anyone has seen a good tutorial on openpyxl. I'm trying to populate a QTableWidget with an excel sheet and need a way to do it that doesn't take forever coding it. Was trying to tuple(ws.rows) but I don't know how to access the actual tuple from it, due to it not really having a name. Anyway, any help would be much appreciated.
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I would first use pandas to read_excel: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.read_excel.html
For more information on pandas: https://pythonprogramming.net/data-analysis-python-pandas-tutorial-introduction/
-Harrison 7 years ago
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I got openpyxl to work how i needed it to, still might look into pandas, looks intimidating though.
How about a Tutorial on QTableView? That is the next thing I am going to work to tackle as it will help my formatting of the information I have. That and the application has a set number of columns so I figure I could just use the model for the table. I guess I will get there when I get there.
Thank you for the response.
-JRuehs 7 years ago
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