Python Stock Screener for Price to Book

by: jordi g, 8 years ago

First thanks for all the training videos you have posted, they are really very good
I am going through your training of Programming for Fundamental Investing and right now on the code of Python Stock Screener for Price to Book. As yahoo as changed this website and also their content, completely different and complicated, would you mind also give a hint how to parse this new website? It would be very helpful
Thanks for your help

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I haven't looked, so my only hint would be to look at how we did it with Yahoo, and use similar tactics. You can also look into something like Beautiful Soup, which is meant for parsing.

The things that are hard to parse are dynamically generated contents via jquery. An easy way to check is to just open the page in a browser, and then view the source. Look for the stuff you're trying to parse, and see if it's there. If so, it's usually between SOME sort of a tag. In the case of Yahoo, it was all in a table, do it was between table data <td> tags.

-Harrison 8 years ago

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Thanks for the advice. I found an example to use with Beautiful Soup:

Hereby the updated version:

#additionals imports
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

#to replace in def yahooKeyStats(stock):
r = requests.get('' + stock + '?formatted=true&crumb=zBOBWyyg2Zd&lang=en-US®ion=US&modules=defaultKeyStatistics%2CfinancialData%2CcalendarEvents&')

data = r.json()

financial_data = data['quoteSummary']['result'][0]['defaultKeyStatistics']

priceToBook_value_dict = financial_data['priceToBook']
pbr = priceToBook_value_dict['fmt']

-jordi g 8 years ago

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