I was following up till the tutorial of https://pythonprogramming.net/flask-user-dashboard/ on the Lesson: Dynamic User Dashboard Flask Tutorial.
However, when I login to my website with /dashboard/ it will provide me with the Internal Server Error while my mainpage.html is still working. Please help! I am stucked for really long on this
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You're probably typoing something or using incorrect logic. For example, are you doing {{ }} or {% %} .... are you using quotes or not to determine the path? ...etc
-Harrison 8 years ago
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Hello! I just solved this problem and I guess I will like to share with the community. I realised that though the HTML has stated to be UTF-8, it somehows seems that my HTML (edited through winSCP) was reading all the code using UTF-8. But after going to "encoding" tab followed by "convert to UTF-8", the problem is solved. Hope it helps. And thanks Harrison for the reply!
-Youjinlim 8 years ago
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