image arithmetic - lesson 5 of Harrisons openCV tut

by: skypickle, 9 years ago

I tried to reproduce harrison's example in lesson 5 using a different mask. Instead of the python logo I used this image

import cv2
import numpy as np

# Load two images
img1 = cv2.imread('3D-Matplotlib.png')
img3 = cv2.imread('helloo.png')

#select the ROI
rows3,cols3,channels3 = img3.shape
roi3 = img1[50:rows3+50, 50:cols3+50 ]

img3gray = cv2.cvtColor(img3,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

ret3, mask3 = cv2.threshold(img3gray, 220, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
cv2.imshow('m3', mask3)
mask_inv3 = cv2.bitwise_not(mask3)

img3_bg = cv2.bitwise_and(roi3,roi3,mask = mask_inv3)
img3_fg = cv2.bitwise_and(img3,img3,mask = mask3)

dst3 = cv2.add(img3_bg,img3_fg)
img1[50:rows3+50, 50:cols3+50 ] = dst3



I get colorful antialiasing around the boundaries of the outline. It's most clearly seen in the variable named, img3_fg , which is the result of the bitwise_and of the png to be used as a mask and the actual mask of that png.


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Because your image has colorful antialiasing around the boundaries of the outline :P. Open your image up in the browser and zoom in, or open in some other image editing software and zoom in.

edit: actually, the plot really thickens... since you're thresholding. I really don't know to be honest. Shouldn't be there, but maybe it does have something to do with the original image having it?

-Harrison 9 years ago
Last edited 9 years ago

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Indeed! you are correct. I simply used the word 'Helloo' typed into a drawing and saved into a .png. The computer antialiased the black text with colorful edges!

-skypickle 9 years ago

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