a question about merge in panda tutorial 6

by: ryanzhao29, 9 years ago

suppose you have the following merged dataframe, notice index  2005 has three columns missing cause df1 dose not have that information.
#         HPI  Int_rate  US_GDP_Thousands  Low_tier_HPI
#2001.0  80.0       2.0              50.0            50
#2002.0  85.0       3.0              55.0            51
#2003.0  88.0       2.0              65.0            52
#2004.0  85.0       2.0              55.0            50
#2005.0   NaN       NaN               NaN            53

If I have another dataframe or series looks like
series = pd.Series([2005,100,90,70],['YEAR','HPI', 'Int_rate','US_GDP_Thousands'])
Is there any way to use the series to fill out the missing columns without manually copying and pasting them? thanks

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overlapping data is usually pretty messy. One option I know of is to do something like:

df[2005.0] = [VAR, VAR, VAR, VAR] ...replacing vars with whatever you want. I know of no great way to automatically do this though, other than maybe hunting for np.nan values, and then using some sort of logic to replace if you can find the data elsewhere.

-Harrison 9 years ago

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